Wednesday 4 December 2013

Things I Love Thursdays... Jamaica


The sun greeted me as I stepped off the plane
Calling me in a way that only a mother can
Her warmth embraced me
She came with strong arms and a cool breeze.
Gently so as not to alarm.

I was pleasantly surprised to hear my soul relax
It was an unexpected sound
It was the sound of home

The air was thick with God, sex and magic
My heart beat to the sound of the bass
I was intoxicated
I was home

As I floated through the days
My senses somersaulted through the welcoming party
Music blasting through my veins,
Calling me to attention
The sing song of the people soothed
While my heart danced to stolen glances from secret friends

For my eyes, there were colours.
Some vibrant with youth,
Some wise and subdued with experience.
Pastels, and reds and yellows and greens and browns

Oh the browns
The brown earth,
The brown skins,
My earth, my skin
Our earth, our skin
Kissed, caressed and burnt by the sun
Our brown that tells a million stories
Stories of pain and beauty and captivity and freedom
Stories of home.

I am home.

Peace & Love
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